A Day In The Woods

This morning Donna and I went for an atypical walk in Hitchcock Woods. Instead of wandering semi aimlessly, we had a definite destination, the centrally located horse ring. Today was the last day of the 90th running of the Aiken Horse Show.

Our neighbor’s daughter competes and we thought it might be nice to see if she was going to be there. When we arrived at the ring we looked and looked, but didn’t see her. As we were leaving the area near where all the horses were, she came running up. When we asked when she was riding she shrugged and said later. Aaah, youth. She knew Mom would tell her when. Turns out it was much later than we had planned on staying, but what the heck we have some time. Unfortunately at the last minute they shuffled the schedule, delaying her start into the early afternoon and we didn’t have that much time. Plus we didn’t have the money nor the desire to eat from the “roach coach.”

I did get a chance to shoot a bunch pictures with the new camera, including a few using the panorama function.
Horse Ring
Clicking on the image will take you to a 40% reduction of the 4576 x 1220 original.

Seeing this is April you may see another one of the shots in the Hitchcock Woods 2006 gallery later this month. While you wait, check out March’s entry from about three weeks ago.

Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 96

Word Limt

You would think that with yesterday’s lengthy post I wouldn’t have much to say tonight, you would be right.

Started down, went up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 94