The Third Shoe Drops
Chemo treatment number 3 for Donna was Friday and this one made the last one look like vacation. The last two we were able to leave from the Cancer Center and have a nice lunch, this time it was straight home for chicken & barley soup thoughtfully provided by a friend. More soup for supper too.
The last two chemos caused a lot of stomach pain and low grade nausea that we kept pretty much in check with the 3 different meds we were given prescriptions for. This time, in spite of trying to stay ahead of the nausea with medicine, early Saturday morning Donna was visited by Mr. Upchuck, twice. Mid-morning on we didn’t feel terrific, but everything stayed down. We made a short trip out to the Cancer Center for another Neulasta shot at 11:00AM and managed a slow walk around our 1 mile long block, but other than that the couch was her friend. This morning we had a repeat performance of Saturday morning, but once again the stomach settled for the rest of the day. She even felt good enough to get a cup of ice cream and walk a block of downtown Aiken tonight.
We have a couple of things we would like to blame for being hit so hard this time. Four days prior to this chemo we spent 4 long days on the road to and from Virginia which was tiring. By Thursday she wasn’t feeling good, stomach-wise, already and we went out to eat with the Miata Club to a not so great restaurant. At least we hope this is what caused it, because we can control them and the lead up to #4, and last, chemo will be less eventful and less stressful.
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