Windows Vista

The latest beta of Microsoft’s next operating system, Vista, is available for previewing from here – Windows Vista: Customer Preview Program.

You have two options, order a DVD ($6 for the disc + $4 for shipping) or you can download the DVD iso. I was going to just buy the DVD, six bucks didn’t seem too bad, but the shipping put it over a threshold that I didn’t want to cross. I tried downloading it at work, but I could never connect to the download site. Downloaded it from home, 3-1/4 Gig in about 2 hours. Trouble is I don’t have a DVD burner at home, They do have a portable at which which I borrowed tonight. Burned a disc for me and another for the DVD burner lender. Seeing as the laptop really has nothing on it but XP and some programs I decided to install it on there.

Started the install and went out for dinner. When we got back all that I needed to do was set the usual language and time zone stuff and Vista was up. Runs pretty slow, but that is because they recommend the minimum system RAM be 512M with 1G being better and the $500 laptop only has 256M (shared). It found the wireless router fine and connected to the net no problem. IE7 has tabs on the browser, what a concept. I’ve got to get it connected to the desktop for file sharing yet….

Started up went down, back up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 203

The Internet Can Wait

Brian the Red: I was just thinking, Web Surfer.

Web Surfer: What?

Brian the Red: We got a great life ahead, you and me, and nobody’s going to take that away from us.

Web Surfer: Why are you looking at me like that?

Brian the Red: I’m memorizing your IP Address. I want to memorize everything about you so no matter what happens, I won’t forget you.

Web Surfer: What’s going to happen?

Brian the Red: Nothing’s going to happen. You’d never forget me either, would you? That thing you said you saw in me. Something in my eyes, remember? If some day somebody came up to you, maybe a football player, and he acted like he’d seen you before, you’d notice that same thing, right? You’d give him a chance? He might be a good guy. He could even be a quarterback.

Web Surfer: I don’t understand.

Started down, went up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 201

Saturday Night Is Alright…

…for not blogging.

Started down, went up, back down, up again, down again, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 198