At least that is what it seemed like on our morning walk in Hitchcook Woods this morning after last week’s walk along a human only trail out west. Because we got a late start (after 10:00 AM) we had to share the woods with a half-dozen people walking dogs and a third of a dozen horseback riders. I took a couple pictures that I need to look at for the October addition to the Hitchcock Woods 2006 gallery.
We went out shopping at the mall this afternoon. Donna needs new shoe laces for her hiking boots and I wanted to get a Detroit Tigers ball cap to wear to work tomorrow just to rib my Yankee loving manager. We didn’t buy either. We forgot to measure how long Donna’s laces were, so we didn’t take a chance on getting some too short or too long. The only Detroit hats we could find were of the fitted variety and they were $30. That was too much for a hat that I’d probably only wear once, fifteen would have been just about right.
We went to a local church’s Chocolate Festival yesterday. Donna likes to bid on some of the stuff at their silent auction and I like to pick some of their used books. She didn’t win anything and I got 4 books and she one, for 5 books it cost a whopping $3. I picked up one book, In Her Shoes, because the title sounded familiar. Oh, yeah, its a movie with Cameron Diaz or somebody (its in the Netflix queue right now.) I opened the book at random and started reading, hey, this is pretty funny stuff, so I bought it. I also bought a second book by the same author Jennifer Weiner.
The Emperor snicked past 47,000 miles this morning on the way to our walk in the woods.
Started down, went up, back down, up, down, up again, down again, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 416