I’m Sorry…

…for last night’s post. It was not very well thought out and not researched properly.

I had a rant all worked up, but my wife quashed the idea by reminding me that certain people read my blog and they might have been offended by my making fun of a particular subject.

So I went with Plan B and I just grabbed a couple of thread titles from the Miata Forum that sounded kind of stupid and didn’t check inside. If I had, I would have found out that the reason I still read the forum every day is because a lot of people that contribute have sharp wits and are not afraid to use them. Some of the comments in the 0-60 times thread were LOL funny.

Started up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 423

I Heart The Miata Forum

I keep wondering why I still read the Miata.net Forum. I’ve been hanging out there for years and I’ve pretty much seen it all. In the begining it was all old farts like me and we shared similar experiences and asked simialr questions. Now that Miatas have been out for 17 years the early ones are cheap enough that they are being bought by youngsters and some of them are just clueless. Here is a smattering of current running threads:
are these $32 stainless roll bars any good? – Do you really have to ask?
tastefully illuminated shift knobs? – Same question…
FWD Miata? – Don’t tell me, he used to work at the local Mazda dealer.
0-60mph times!!! – Oh, please!

Started up, went down, back up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 423

It’s All Greek To Me

SteeplesNearly perfect fall weekend. Low 40’s in the mornings and mid 70’s in the afternoon with nary a cloud in the sky.

Saturday morning the lawn got mowed for possibly the last time this year and the driveway was blown off of leaves for the first of many times this year. Lunch was at the Greek Festival in Augusta. Gyros with baklava covered ice cream for desert and sipping an Athenian beer while listening to a group called “One Night in Athens” playing music.

For Sunday, we tossed the hike in the woods and a bike ride to breakfast into the blender and ended up walking a mile and a half to Atlanta Bread Company for bagels. Donna made some of her famous chocolate chip cookies to give to a co-worker (not before I ate a half dozen of them, of which 4 were still hot and gooey from the oven.) After lunch instead of the planned afternoon nap, Donna suggested a car drive, ever the dutiful husband, I agreed. She needed some of those candy sticks she loves, that we can only seem to find at Cracker Barrel, so we had a destination. A hundred and ten miles later we had her candy.

Started down, went up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 421


…is a specialized form of triskaidekaphobia (the fear of the number thirteen) and it means the fear of Friday the 13th.

So, how was your day?

I ain’t afraid of no thirteens. For the first time since the one glute bounce back about three weeks ago I went rollerblading tonight. No fanfare, no incidents, just a nice little skate.

For those of you who are keeping track, it was about 10 days before the bruise from that unceremonious landing showed up. For about a week it was a not very pretty looking section of purplish-yellow skin, but now 22 days later there is just a hint of bruise there.

Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 420

Monkey Business

GorillapodAfter enough struggling to hold my digicam steady in low light conditions I decided it was time to get me a mini tripod. A search of the web led me down the usual paths and uncovered the usual suspects. I then zeroed in on low cost ones and got a couple of under ten dollar ones with little flexible legs that seemed like they might fit the bill. I don’t know how I got there, I can’t for the life of me replicate the search, but I ended up at Joby.com. Behold! Gorillapod. If you order one right from the maker right now, they offer free Fedex Ground shipping. If you use the coupon code “GorillapodLOVE” during checkout you can 10% off too, so the unpacked version comes to under $20 delivered.

Played a little practical joke on a co-worker (Hi Mark) and he liked it so well he, with my help, is going to spring it on his wife (sure hope she doesn’t read this.) I got it from “The Banterist” – Your New Monkey. When he opened his he was disappointed that it didn’t have the promised refrigerator magnet, so I made one up for inclusion of version 2 of the joke. Click on the “LOOK! There?s more!” link to see my magnet art.

Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 420