Well, I’m Glad That’s Over With
We went out briefly today to run a couple errands, one of which was to burn up Donna’s gift card at Target. She wanted to buy some ribbon and other Christmas stuff at half off. As we made our way to the back of the store where all the holiday stuff was we passed by the greeting card area where an associate was busy putting out the Valentine’s Day cards.
A stop at Kroger to pick up a couple of prescriptions took us by the seasonal aisle. The Christmas stuff was piled into shopping carts with hand lettered signs proclaiming 50% off while unopened cases of heart shaped boxes of chocolates stood by ready to take their places on the empty shelves.
While watching TV this evening we saw a commercial for a Hugh Grant / Drew Barrymore movie that will be opening February 14th.
I’m glad we got that whole Christmas thing out of the way.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 519