A Walk

LamppostWell, I didn’t win that new Miata. I’m not real disappointed. As a matter of fact I’m kind of glad I didn’t use up my luck winning a silly little car, I want to save it for Wednesday. The Powerball jackpot is around a hundred million.

We went for a little hike on Saturday and had planned on getting in a short tandem ride either yesterday or today, but Saturday was quite literally a washout. The rain really didn’t even quit until after lunch today, so we settled for a small walk around our downtown late this afternoon. The sun was low in the sky and the light was incredibly warm in color so I snapped a few photos. One of them is what you see above. Speaking of photos, on Saturday’s walk the last image of the Hitchcock Woods gallery was taken.

The Wizard of Oz is still sitting unwatched on the coffee table. The other day when we were watching Fantastic Four at about 10 minutes into the movie the DVD started acting up, the movie froze, then crept along all pixelated, then froze again until I hit the next chapter button and then was fine for the rest of the movie. The same thing happened when we watched The Lake House over Christmas and if I remember right we had the same issue with The Devil Wears Prada not too long before that. Thinking maybe there might be something wrong with our DVD player Donna asked me to check it out by watching something and seeing if it would act up. I chose a movie that was in my meager collection that I had started watching part way in on the USA network yesterday and didn’t get to finish, TDPM.

Jack Sparrow: I know those cannons. It’s the Pearl.
Man in Jail: The Black Pearl? I’ve heard stories. She’s been preying on ships and settlements for near ten years. Never leaves any survivors.
Jack Sparrow: No survivors? Then where do the stories come from, I wonder?

Started up, went down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 1

Il Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo

Tomorrow when you look up and notice that the flags are flying at half mast, who will it be for?

The Good – Gerald Ford
The Bad – Saddam Hussein
The Ugly – James Brown

Started down, went up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 524