Time For A Rename?
Instead of Life of Brian maybe it should be called Eating With Brian?
We had Sunday lunch out with the usual suspects, but tried someplace different – Quiznos. We have had two previous experience with the chain, one that was good, we bought a sub onboard our flight to Seattle last year and it hit the spot, while second was not so good here in Aiken when we were seduced by a sign about a featured sub. Today’s experience was right about in the middle of those first two. Large Honey Bourbon Chicken with chips and a small Sierra Mist. We have vowed to give them at least one more chance before crossing them completely off our list.
Tip: None
Spent Today: $10.68
Year to Date: $256.59
After lunch we braved the elements and went outdoors. For the first time in a while it was actually nice enough to entice our fair-weather attituded selves into Hitchcock Woods. When we came out it was also nice enough still for us to drop the top on the Emperor for the drive home.
We are not even watching the Super Bowl for the commercials, although we have passed through CBS a few times to keep track of the score.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 32