Cure For The Common Blogger’s Block

As a public service to my friends in cyberspace (and you know who you are) next time you run into conception congestion and have nothing to write about in your blog…

A few year’s ago (2003) I subscribed to an email service that was going to provide a daily note with blog fodder in it. They apparently ran into their own issues with blogger’s block, because it flowed from January 1st consecutively until May 23rd before it started to hiccup. It then limped along until it totally ran out of steam in October. The archives are still up and are good for a couple hundred brain barricade breakers: Blog Fodder. (the original)

For once a week cranial constipations: Blog Fodder – Every Monday a new topic is posted to kick start your brain.

For anytime clogged cerebellums: Imagination Prompt Generator – Still blank? Hit the Next Prompt button for another.

If none of these work for you you can always Google “blogger’s block” and plagiarize someone else’s post on the subject….

Started up, went down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 50

Blogger’s License Pre-Renewal Announcemnet

On July 1, 2005, Life of Brian was granted a license by the Federal Internet Transmission Commission to serve the public interest as a public trustee.

Our license will expire on July 1, 2007. We must file an application for license renewal with the FITC, March 1, 2007. When filed, a copy of this application will be available for public inspection during our regular business hours. It contains information concerning this blog?s performance during the last license term of 2 years.

Individuals who wish to advise the FITC of facts relating to our renewal application and to whether this blog has operated in the public interest should file comments and petitions with the Commission by June 1, 2007. Further information concerning the Commission?s blogger’s license renewal process is available at 123 Main St, Aiken, SC 29801 or may be obtained from the FITC, 1001 Connecticut Ave, Washington DC 20554.

Best Of?

I have completed the “Best Of” pages with the addition of 2002 & 2003. One post from each month and boy did I have a hard time with some of them. And I think my blogging is lame now….all I can say is, good thing I wasn’t blogging in 2001 or 2000.

Started down, went up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 49

I Wish I Knew the Protocol

Enchanted Ceiling - Parking Lot My good “buddy” Rick has tagged me. I am supposed to write 5 things you don’t know about me and then tag 5 other folks, so they’ll do the same.

He stopped after 3 because, as he put it, “After looking around it appears that everyone else has already been tagged…” How far did he look? Are you allowed to tag anyone? Or just folks you are linked to? Because he only did three, can I get away with posting just 3 things you don’t know about me? Just what are the rules here? How could he have tagged me if he didn’t tell me? I had to find out about it by reading his blog…

Anyway, let’s see if I can come up with five things you don’t already know about me, might be tough if you have been reading this for awhile:
1. I used to go by the nickname Bo, because it is so hard to pronounce Bogardus. There are probably some cousins of Donna’s that I met early on, that still think of me by that name, although I haven’t gone by it since the 70’s.
2. The nickname of the athletic teams of the high school I attended was Hurricanes, even though there have only been 8 categorized hurricanes to hit Connecticut since 1851.
3. At 16 I stole my mother’s cigarette’s for a couple weeks so I could learn to inhale in preparation for my first marijuana encounter that a friend had promised was imminent.
4. The first car I ever bought was a bright orange Datsun B210 “Honeybee.”
5. I saw Roger Clemens pitch the New Britain AA Red Sox to the 1983 Eastern League championship.

I’m tagging these following 5 blogs that I searched out on the net that mentioned the word Miata in a recent post: 1) Angst & Giggles 2) Live Free or Die! 3) Casa De Morrill 4) ZOOM-zoom-ZOOM & 5) Aubr3y. How the heck these people are going to know they are tagged is beyond me.

Started up, went down, back up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 47