Another One Bites the Dust
Tonight’s dessert was a fesh out of the freezer, very chilly box of Tagalongs.
Donna was having a bad morning so at noon she called me and asked if I had heated up my TV dinner yet. I said no and immediately asked, “Where are we going for lunch?” Evergreen Chinese Buffet of course. Two lunch buffets and two waters.
Tip: 2.02
Spent Today: $14.00
Year to Date: $467.74
As much as I was prepared to hate “Failure to Launch“, it wasn’t all bad. Worth the hour and a half of my time.
Terry Bradshaw and Kathy Bates were great as the parents, Mathew McConaughey’s two friends were good, Zooey Deschanel as SJP’s roommate was fantastic and even though the story line was predictable, you actually wanted it to turn out the way it did.
Because we did care enough for these two characters, they could have chopped off the last ten minutes, as soon as they made up while locked in the friends apartment, she unties him, they kiss, roll credits. We really didn’t need to know that both MM’s buddies found relationships too. And we most certainly didn’t need the dolphin making nice with McConaughey at the very end, to show that he was in harmony with nature and everything was just wonderful now that he and Sarah Jessica Parker were together.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 62