Mr. Zip

Mr. ZipIf it wasn’t for the fact that today was my bi-annual dental visit for a teeth cleaning, I would barely have anything to write about. Look Ma! No cavities.

Well, anything new to write about. I’ve got the usual. I added captions to the new Post Office photos.

We went out to eat lunch. The Emperor meets the King. A junior Whopper w/o mayo for each and we split a 6 pack of Cheesy Tots and a small Sprite.

Meal Cost: $4.65
Tip: None
Spent Today: $4.65
Year to Date: $621.64

I’ve finished another Spenser book. Promised Land:

Pam Shepard said, “No. Rose, believe me, you can trust him. He is not dishonest.”

“Pam, almost everyone’s dishonest. He’s as dishonest as everyone else. I don’t want to do business with him.”

“That’s dumb,” I said. “It’s the kind of dumb smart people get because they think they’re smart.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Jane said.

“It means that if everyone’s dishonest you aren’t going to do better elsewhere. And the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know. I got one character witness. Where you going to find a gun that has that many.”

I’m kind of kicking myself. In the last Spenser book he said mentioned something like, Spenser’s Crimestoppers Tip #X, “Blah, blah, blah…” I didn’t write it down at the time and when I thought that maybe I should copy them down into a web page or something, I couldn’t find it in the book again without reading all over. No loss I figured, somebody on the big wide internet must have already done it. Turns out, nobody has. I searched. I even looked over at Bullets and Beer with no luck. So what do I do? Go back and read the book? Just wait until the next time I run across a crimestopper tip? Life is full of hard choices.

Started down, went up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 82

Postal Express

RubyAll aboard the Postal Express with stops in,Elgin, Lugoff, Camden, Cassat, Bethune, McBee, Chesterfield, Ruby, Mount Croghan, Pageland, Jefferson and Kershaw.

Another outtake from yesterday. The city name is on the building, but someone wanted to make sure you knew you were at the right spot as you came up the street. I have all new the pictures, bringing the new total to 81, in the Gallery, now I just have to add a little story for each one.

Up until either last weekend or this, I could remember exactly which town the Post Office was in, without seeing the title, just by the photo. Not only that, but I could tell you how to get there. Unfortunately I have exceeded the storage limit that I can set aside for Post Office matters and still be able to remember important stuff like my name and how to tie my shoes. I can still do it for a bunch of them, but unless there is something truly unique about it, any new Post Office is apt to be confused with other ones that look like it.

This is starting to turn into something and maybe it is time to upgrade the Postal Gallery to a higher level. I may have to break down and figure out how to do that modrewrite thing so the photos have a nicer URL than, maybe something like If I hit the Powerball jackpot on Wednesday I might even buy it it’s own domain name, & is taken, but & are open…

Started down, went up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 80