When I first started my Spenser Crime Buster Rules page I had read 4 books and found 3 rules, since then I have only come up with 5 more rules in the last 17 books. Clearly, I got lucky and found the highest concentration of rules in my first few books.
I still have 14 more to go, maybe I’ll hit another vein of Crime Buster Rules in these books. I have found a few other referrals to crime stopper tips, gumshoe manual excerpts and Dick Tracy, like this one from the book, Crimson Joy, which I just finished:
“Is this in the bodyguard manual?” Susan said. “Take the woman you are protecting to look for the man you’re protecting her from?”…
“I can’t leave you alone, and I have to find Felton. So we do it together,” I said.
“I know,” Susan said. “If it weren’t so deadly, I’d kind of like it. Makes me feel like Lois Lane.”
“Well, you are with the right guy,” I said.
I uploaded the balloon photos to my gallery here, but haven’t edited he titles and captions yet. Why let Flickr! have all the fun. I’m probably going to try to separate the Post Office photos into their own gallery soon. I’m thinking of sorting them by zip code. All the SC zips start with 29 and I’ll make 10 directories using the 0 to 9 of the third digit. The number of Post Offices in each directory will vary from just fifteen in 292xx to seventy-three in 296xx.
Started up, went down, back up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 389