
Posting Avoidance Syndrome strikes again. PAS – another acronym to add to the sidebar maybe? Too bad I couldn’t figure out an ‘s’ word to put on the end to make it PASS.

I spent the evening adding captions to the latest Post Office photos and locating them on my Flicker map. I now need to find a photo representing heat for the Tuesday Challenge. I’m seriously considering using a photo I used for a meme in the long ago past, but will probably use the HHI sunrise photo from a couple weeks ago, at least it is a little more current.

I can’t even come up with descriptive titles.

Started down, went up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 495


Stating the obvious.

We bagged a total of 18 Post Offices this weekend bringing our total to 345, which is almost exactly 3/4 of the state’s 461 total. Pictures are up on Flickr! and the old-school gallery, but as usual on the Monday after, there are no descriptions yet.

Westville, SC 29175I shot most of the photos using the auto-bracketing feature of the camera and then ran them through the Dynamic Photo HDR program and I discovered three things: 1) no matter how hard I try I can not hold the camera still through all three exposures, but the software does a pretty good job of aligning images. 2) I really need to do the tripod with ±2 EV bracketing for best results and 3) the effect is cool, but the over saturation of colors makes it more of a gimmick filter, than a useful tool, but this last statement might be way wrong if I knew how to use the program better.

Started down, went up, went down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 494

BellSouth DSL

Field (FauxHDR)Went over to a co-worker of Donna’s tonight to hook up her DSL. To start, I’m not too sure the DVD that they sent was 100%, as it would hang each time the Next button was clicked. The only way to get it to advance was to eject the CD and then reinsert it. Then when it did get to the next page the display was garbled in the install window — some blank spots and new text over some of the last page’s text.

At step 5 when you are to choose the modem to install I was greeted with 6 square buttons and only one had a picture in it, the rest were blank. By (the slow) process of elimination I found the button for a Netopia modem. Unfortunately it wasn’t the same model as the Netopia modem she had. I soldiered on installing that one as it was the only one remotely correct..

After hooking up all the cables the DSL Sync light was still blinking. Crap. I then swapped off the Cat5 cable and tried hooking up to the PC with the USB cable. Same results. Rebooted modem. Still blinking. Rebooted PC and modem. Blink – blink- blink.

Gave up and called tech support. I had to go through a troubleshooting song and dance with an automated help system. “Yes.” “No.” “Continue.” “Continue.” When the computer was satisfied I really had a problem I was handed to a person. Richard was probably his American name, but his English was better than quite a few people I deal with on a daily basis at ASCO. He ran line tests and told me there was a problem and that a technician need to come out, so Lisa scheduled one for this Saturday.

She only had one phone in a jack and I placed a filter on that one. I tested the long phone cord I brought with me with her phone to make sure it was OK. I plugged her phone in the jack the DSL line was plugged in to make sure the jack was OK. I figure it has to be a bad modem, because even if I didn’t have the exact correct driver from the CD I would still get a sync light if the line was good.

Started up, went down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 488