A Collection Of One

Doh!This Sunday afternoon Donna, her cousin Laurie, and I are going to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra in Columbia. To get ready we have been listening to their Christmas Eve & Other Stories CD in the car.

Tonight we traveled to Augusta to go to Best Buy where we were to pick up a gift card for her boss (and the Jason Bourne Collection for me.) I was at a loss as to what to get for my boss. He has two small boys, so I thought while at Best Buy I would pick up a DVD with some My 3 Sons episodes and just mark through the 3 and replace it with a two. Then I’d tell him I edited out all the scenes with Chip in them. Turns out My Three Sons isn’t on DVD. Dang. My wife, the sensible one (as if that isn’t self evident already) suggested we get him a Tran Siberian Orchestra CD.

We found the Trans Siberian CDs easy and right next to Christmas Eve & Other Stories was The Christmas Attic. When Donna asked did we have that, I said no. She said, “Buy it.” So we did. Less than 3 months after selling my entire 486 CD collection, we now have a collection of one.

Finding the Jason Bourne Collection was a lot harder. I looked up front in the new release area, but the only DVDs there were single disc Bourne Ultimatums. I checked the Drama aisle and then the Action/Adventure sections to no avail. I then gave up and figured when I did my in store pickup of Forbidden Planet I’d ask the clerk where to find it. The line for in store pickup was 4 deep, so we divided to conquer. I stood in line and Donna enlisted the help of Pamela Landy to find Jason. Actually she found a tall guy in a blue shirt and asked. His first response was, “We have that?” but led Donna to the close proximity of where it should be before he himself had to ask another associate. Turns out the nondescript silver package was up front on a big display stand. It was on the bottom row of about 15 rows of giant yellow headed Homers on the cover of the Simpsons Movie.

DOH! My boss is a Simpsons fan. I should have bought him the movie. I’m always one step behind….

Started up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 497

Miata Polaroid

Miata Polaroid

Started up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 497

It Is Starting To Smell A Lot Like Christmas

Seems like every third commercial is for a fragrance. Both men’s and women’s. The actresses all look familiar, like famous people, they probably are, but I can’t be sure, my subscription to People expired in 1981.

I saw a commercial for a vintage Tide T-shirt. If you bought one the proceeds would go to help Hurricane Katrina and victims of the California wildfires. Cool, I’ll help. The shirts are $15, but I never found out how much they wanted for shipping. I would have given them my credit card data to buy the shirt, but first I would have to register to use their site and to do that you need to give them the usual phalanx of info. Forget it, not like I’d ever use their site again.

The Bourne Ultimatum was very good, left me wanting more. It really never slows down for you to dwell long enough on the improbabilities and impossibilities to let them spoil the movie. I wonder if the series is available in a three disc set or are they waiting for the 4th movie? I don’t know if they are going to make another movie, but they sure left it open for one. Matter of fact they probably already have a script, just retool the second movie a little…

To wash the bad taste of At World’s End out of our mouths from the other night, we popped in TDPM this afternoon.

Governor Swann: Perhaps on the rare occasion pursuing the right course demands an act of piracy, piracy itself can be the right course?

Aaaah, that’s better.

Started up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 497