Closing The Books

12-31-2007Another year shot to hell.

And I can’t start 2008 yet, I don’t have my calendar. Shutterfly shipped it on the 19th…

I was invited to take part in the second annual Enchanted Ceiling Last and Beginning photo shoot. I looked up at the sky several times today and there was nothing in it, no character. I could have started an image in PSP with a plain blue background and submitted it. Went out on the deck with the camera on a tripod and set it on Starry Sky mode. No much there either, even after running it through the auto photo fix. Maybe tomorrow will be more interesting.

With 20 of 32 bowl games completed I have picked 12 correct which is 5 behind the leader. Of the 12 games left I differ with the leader on exactly 5 games, so best possible scenario is a tie. Unfortunately there are eight people closer than I. Kiss the 2007 Pigskin Prognosticator Prize goodbye.

Started up, went down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 506

Clearing the Decks

We have zero DVDs awaiting watching. Yesterday we watched Flags of Our Fathers, today it was Kate & Leopold.

Leopold: Why is it called a toaster when it produces no toast, but simply warm bread, and inserting it two times produces charcoal? The ideal toaster would have one and a half insertions to produce the correct toast.

This afternoon I watched Letters From Iwo Jima. I have one last Christmas gift DVD coming in the mail, an Amazon gift certificate from friends, that will need watching – The Incredibles, maybe later this week.

Now comes the daunting ask of cleaning up a years worth of worthless photos I’ve got filed away under the My Pictures folder…

Started up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 505


2007 is almost gone and tonight I wasted 10.5 minutes of what is left watching The Fountain. Here is my three letter review. WTF?

We watched Dark Side of the Rainbow on Christmas day and the same three letter review applies here as well. One difference though, we watched the whole movie. But that probably has to do with we both like Pink Floyd and the Wizard of Oz.

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. I haven’t seen it and more than likely won’t. A barber who slits throats and has a downstairs neighbor that grinds up the carcasses to sell. WTF are people thinking? A musical?

How does someone whose name is Brian, who has a blog, and its main focus is Miatas, go undetected by me? Three letters. Briansworld.

Started up, went down, back up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 505