Everything Happens For A Reason
We went out for a bagel for breakfast. Right here in Aiken. The MMC did drive to Saluda for breakfast, all 2 cars of them. I guess we weren’t the only ones who decided not to for go a 60 mile drive in the cold rain to eat when there were places closer to home. We then picked up a few items we missed on yesterday’s grocery shopping trip and spent the rest of the day inside watching the rest of Season 1 of TDTVS.
I was outbid with 7 hours to go on my first attempt on eBay to buy the second season. Eighteen hours left on try number two. I don’t want to pay more than twenty bucks (with shipping) unless I have to.
I’ve been considered buying one of the McFarlane’s action figures Series 1 or Series 2 just for the cool little toss ins. With Hurley you get a replica of the winning lottery ticket. Sun includes a life size recreation of an Oceanic boarding pass and with Kate you get that little model plane from her childhood sweetheart.
Yeah, I got it bad. At least I haven’t bought a T-shirt — yet.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 15