David Hiller of Madison, Ohio is a Lucky Stiff

He won the new Miata in the International Motor Racing Research Center’s raffle that I had earmarked as the Emperor II. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to wait the 1,087 days until I’m due a new Miata, er MX-5.

I was out late last night helping a friend to get his wife’s new laptop to print wirelessly to the printer connected to her Windows98SE desktop. It was not easy. Microsoft removed native printing support to Win9x machines from Vista. I kept getting an error message. Searching the web led me to a solution, but it didn’t work the first time and rebooting both the old desktop and the new laptop seemed overly long. Uninstalling and reinstalling the software for the HP all in one was not quick either. But I persevered, and I’m pretty sure it will print now, but even that is slow to happen. I don’t know why, here at the Bogardus Estate the XP laptop wirelessly to XP desktop prints as quick as the from the desktop to the directly connected printer. If they complain about speed, which I doubt will happen based on the speed that things move on the Vista laptop, I’ll look into it.

Mmmm. Presents.I was out sort of late tonight at the MMC Holiday party. Had a pretty good time. Donna ended up with a Christmas Snow Globe and I took home a cheapy 6″ random orbital buffer. The anal retentives over on Miata.net in the Car Care Section of the forum would recommend I spend a hundred and a half on a Porter Cable and then more on pads and such, but that is too steep for my blood. I still plan on applying the wax by hand and just using the buffer for removal. I’ll let you know how it works.

Remind me tomorrow to tell you about my Emergency Room visit this morning….

Started down, went up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 496


Posting Avoidance Syndrome strikes again. PAS – another acronym to add to the sidebar maybe? Too bad I couldn’t figure out an ‘s’ word to put on the end to make it PASS.

I spent the evening adding captions to the latest Post Office photos and locating them on my Flicker map. I now need to find a photo representing heat for the Tuesday Challenge. I’m seriously considering using a photo I used for a meme in the long ago past, but will probably use the HHI sunrise photo from a couple weeks ago, at least it is a little more current.

I can’t even come up with descriptive titles.

Started down, went up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 495


Stating the obvious.

We bagged a total of 18 Post Offices this weekend bringing our total to 345, which is almost exactly 3/4 of the state’s 461 total. Pictures are up on Flickr! and the old-school gallery, but as usual on the Monday after, there are no descriptions yet.

Westville, SC 29175I shot most of the photos using the auto-bracketing feature of the camera and then ran them through the Dynamic Photo HDR program and I discovered three things: 1) no matter how hard I try I can not hold the camera still through all three exposures, but the software does a pretty good job of aligning images. 2) I really need to do the tripod with ±2 EV bracketing for best results and 3) the effect is cool, but the over saturation of colors makes it more of a gimmick filter, than a useful tool, but this last statement might be way wrong if I knew how to use the program better.

Started down, went up, went down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 494