Was There An MX-5 In Cargo Hold Of Oceanic 815?
Actress Yunjin Kim plays, Sun-Hwa Kwon, one half of a married Korean couple on Lost. This photo and a brief interview appeared in last Sunday’s Daily Mail. While I like that particular color of the car, I think they missed the boat, it should have been white and they should have replaced the Mazda Flying M with the DHARMA logo. Maybe even replaced the text Mazda with the words “Dharma Initiative” and the script Miata with the words “Sports Car.”
Here is a blurb from the interview:
But I really love this Mazda MX-5. It’s so cute. It would be great around town and it’s perfect for somewhere like Hawaii, a sporty runaround – just put the roof down and off you go. I feel I’ve bonded with it.
You can read the rest here.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 52