Because of where the date of my birth falls in the Gregorian calendar I am considered a Libra. The symbol for Libra are the scales of balance representing the balance that Libras continually seek in their selves and their life.
I don’t put much stock in astrology and my wife doesn’t either, but one or both of us must subconsciously because it is my job to balance the checkbook. And when I get done posting here I need to get back to seeking what happened to the $5.41 the bank says we have that I don’t think we have.
An interesting side note (or maybe not): Libra is the only inanimate sign of the zodiac, all the others represent either humans or animals.
Might be something to this astrology after all, because I am constantly seeking ways to be inanimate.
The FRS almost didn’t go to Japan for Opening Day.
To get you ready for tomorrow’s Episode 8 of Lost here are a couple of theories on what the “Island” is all about:
1. Coolest. Theory. Ever.
2. The Great Gedanken Expriment, a Tale of Time Travel and Schrodinger’s Cat
They are kind of long, so you might want to save them for next Thursday night, because Lost won’t be on. Tomorrow is episode eight of thirteen total for this season and there is going to be a six week break before we get to see the last 5 episodes (dang writers strike.)
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 85