March Madness

The Freighter captain puts the beatdown on one of his own crew.

“You can’t kill yourself Michael, the Island won’t let you.”

We find out the real reason Tom is called Mr. Friendly. 😀

Ben’s sharpshooter guns down the French Chick and Carl.

After the NCAA Tourney is over we will still have 3-1/2 weeks until Lost returns.

Started up, went down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 86

White Out

Hard RainMissed two nights blogging this last week. The first was Wednesday because I didn’t really have anything to write about. That wasn’t the case last night, I had a great topic to write about, but that topic was the reason I couldn’t blog about it.

It rained. Really, really, really hard. At one point we couldn’t see the street, 50 feet away, from the living room window because it was coming down so strong. About 5:30 the cable (and the internet with it) went POOF! As I was turning off the now nearly useless laptop, the power to the whole house went off as well.

Not 10 minutes later the clouds broke and the sun came out, so we sat around with the curtains open reading. When the sun started going down and we could barely see the words on the page anymore we opted to go downtown for some ice cream. At about the same time as we were putting on our shoes, the power came back on. But no cable.

After ice cream, no cable. I watched Blade Runner – Final Cut while Donna read. Rise and shine in the morning, no cable, so we bought a newspaper. Went for a hike in Hitchcock Woods and when we got back, no cable. Boy would I feel foolish if we were the only ones in town without cable, so I dialed the office, busy signal. Guess we weren’t alone.

This afternoon I pulled down off the top shelf of a closet, the box that held my old TV-Radio card. I was going to use the cheesy dipole antenna with in on the living room TV so maybe we could pull in a couple of the local channels. As I opened the box, the TV picture flickered and cable was back. Re-booted the router and the internet was back as well.

Started down, went up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 80