No New Pictures
I didn’t take any new photos of the bathroom today. Not that there wasn’t any progress, there was, but it was electrical, some internal plumbing and ceiling work. What seemed a simple request turned into a bit of extra work. We asked to have a foot added to the bathroom, stealing from the adjoining bedroom. When the contractor tore down that bit of wall, it turned out that there was a noticeable height difference between rooms, so he had to add a piece on sheet rock on the bathroom ceiling to even things out.
Yesterday the tile place called to tell me that I didn’t get all my tile. I guess I should have counted it, but the promised invoice never got mailed, so I didn’t know what I *should* have anyway (I got it today.) Four pieces of the 1′ square 3 x 3 floor tile was back ordered and it had just come in, but they were afraid it wasn’t the right color. Not only that, they said I should check what I had already picked up, to make sure it matched my 13 x 13 floor tiles. Last night I checked and the colors were the same. This morning the contractor did some quick figuring and I already have enough to do the job, I don’t need those other 4 pieces, so color matching them is not an issue. I think that when we were figuring the job, we ordered enough of the 3 x 3 to inset two rows as accents, and now looking at the space, one is pretty much what we want. As long as the square of 3 x 3 is still intact I can get my money back.
Good thing too, as the money back from those tiles will be enough, if not a little more, to cover ordering more bullnose tiles we still need. Seems like when we were figuring how much was required for the job we forgot about the whole vertical edge thing, we ordered only enough to run all along the top of the tile in both bathrooms. I ordered that today and it won’t be here until next week sometime, but that is not a problem because what we have on hand is enough to finish the current bath.
The big worry now is, where the heck is the pedestal sink and the toilets? The promised two to three days delivery from ordering them is now. Maybe they will be here tomorrow.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 102