Almost There
Finish the toilet, hook it and the sink up, hang the mirror and the new light fixture, then a final skim coat the smooth out the last of the wall and the contractor will be done. Then it will be up to us to paint and hang a shower curtain rod, some towel bars and the TP holder for the final finishing touches.
And speaking of remodeling, I’m working on a new theme for here. Same sort of color scheme and what not, but it will have 3 (count ’em, that’s one more than two) columns. Big news is it will be widget ready! Not that I have any widgets picked out, or for that matter even know what a widget is, but I’m going to be a widgety fool.
We’ve got to clean up the bedroom with the newly remodeled bath in it on Friday, so we can move in to it, because starting Monday the other bath gets hammered on. We are off on Saturday for some Post Office hunting and will be back late Sunday, causing work on the theme project to be light over the weekend. So you may not see the new look for awhile, heck if I keep dawdling, I may end up losing interest and you’ll never see it.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 106