Car 54 Where Are You?
Spent today at Roebling Road Raceway watching NASA racing. Our friend John Haff races a Miata in TTF class (TT stands for Time Trial and the F stand for the sub class determined by weight and HP.) He usually does really great in class, but today his car, nicknamed POS by his race team CFO (wife Carol), lived up to it’s reputation by refusing to shift gears reliably. Made for a somewhat frustrating day for John, but for the rest of us, the weather made for a great day spectating at the track. I took over 200 hundred pictures, but a third of them were of empty track as I attempted to catch speeding automobiles and another third had just part of the car in it for the same reason. Of the remaining third, most were blurry in an unartistic manner or mis-exposed or with crummy composition, so I’ve probably got about a dozen keepers. But not one shining star.
On the way back home we filled up the Emperor with gas in Sylvania, GA paying the bare minimum under four bucks a gallon.
Oh, and Egypt, GA does have a little sign marking the city limits that is noticeable when traveling north, but the road didn’t have a wide enough shoulder to pull over on without endangering our lives when attempting a photo or endangering the Emperor with sliding into the swamp-like ditch lining the side of the road.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 166