Ecks Philes Moo V
Of the 4 movies we have seen this summer I’d have to say that I Want To Believe notches in just ahead of Wall-E, a long way down from Iron Man, but miles ahead of Indiana Jones. The only reasons it did beat out Wall-E was because the last third of that animated flick disappointed compared to the beginning and I’m an X-Files fan from way back. When friends asked at dinner tonight how we liked it, both Donna and I said, “Go see it if you were a fan of the series.”
It was great to see the old familiar faces of Scully and Mulder together again, but it has been too long. This is the move they should have made a half a decade ago, a year after the series ended it’s TV run. It was definitely better than 1998’s Fight the Future which suffered from the same malady as the Firefly movie, Serenity, it was too movie-ish. I Want To Believe was more true to it’s television roots, it is almost quiet, there were zero explosions, nary a gunshot and the only chase sequence was on foot. But it did include lots of scary moments, a few very squeamish moments, a “paranormal” plot, some Scullyisms and Mulderisms and just enough tips of hat to the characters old familiar quirks to make it worth the matinee admission price.
There certainly wasn’t a lot of pent up demand to see this movie, like there was for Batman, because we went to the first showing ever for this theater at 11:30 in the morning and there were just 15-20 seats occupied.
The Picasa/Google map of the bike ride home wasn’t as interesting as I thought it might be, take a LOOK for yourself.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 264