Aiken’s Labyrinth

We went for a bike ride Saturday morning and although the temperature and humidity were lower than they have been on Sunday, we still could not bring ourselves to go for a walk in Hitchcock Woods, so we took a walk around the horse district yesterday morning. It is not far enough along on the calendar for any of the thoroughbreds to be back in town, so the training track was deserted, but there was some action around a few of the stables.

The midpoint of our trek was Hopeland Gardens and we did a bit of wandering around those beautiful grounds. We made a point of checking out the newest addition to the gardens, a brick octagonal labyrinth. The last time we saw it, admittedly, quite a while ago, it was only 1/3 done, but now it was complete. Donna decided to walk it while I sat on a bench and took a photo or two. She got about halfway through and started to mutter to herself, “I don’t get it. I just don’t get it.” Not long after, she took a shortcut to the center. I suggested we start from the end and work our way out. That was fun for about 3 minutes and we both walked away shaking our heads.

On the way home, we made a detour to a quick stop to buy the Sunday paper and finished up with a little more than 4 miles on our feet. Probably a bit more if you count the steps traveled in our aborted enlightenment journeys.

Started down, went up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 289

What Is Love?

Sunday nights from 6 PM until whenever, Bravo runs a Law & Order: Criminal Intent mini-marathon and I like to watch the repeats of older shows until 9 PM when USA runs a new episode. The original L & O is still the best (although sometimes their twists at the end stretch credibility), occasionally L & O:SVU leaves me feeling like a voyeuristic pervert, but L & O:CI is a guilty pleasure with Goren, it’s quirky lead detective and Eames his sneaky hot partner poking and prying until they get to the bottom of the crime.

I’m sure because of contractual obligations Bravo only gets to show certain seasons of the show, so nearly all the time I will recognize the episode as one I’ve seen and watch it again anyway. Sometimes I get real lucky and I won’t have seen it for a while, meaning I have forgotten who the killer is, so the show is a real treat. Rarely, I will stumble on an episode I haven’t ever seen at all before. Tonight at 7 o’clock that happened and it was exciting.

At ten minutes after seven my wife came into the living room and asked if she could have the TV, the Olympics were on and there was going to be swimming, diving and gymnastics tonight. I said, “Sure, go ahead.” That my friends is love.

When it turns out they were showing synchronized diving right then I didn’t make her turn it back to L & O:CI. That my friends is true love.

Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 288

It Was A Misunderstanding

Its ten o’clock at night and you and a friend are out driving. On a 4 lane lane road you come to a red light. You’re in the left lane, and in the right, already stopped when you arrive, is a Krispy Kreme delivery van.

Your friend is is starring out his window at the van, probably trying (and failing) to do the math in his head of finding the difference between between the gross vehicle weight and the curb weight to determine how many doughnuts constitute a full load. Because you are driving an older car, say a 1987 Camaro, the throttle linkage is a little loose or something and if you idle too long at a light it will stall. To prevent this, the gas pedal needs to be blipped at regular intervals. While this probably reduces your gas mileage a bit, you don’t really mind as the V-8 sounds pretty cool when you do this.

The light turns green and the next thing you hear is the roar of an engine and you see the tail lights of a doughnut truck shrinking in front of you. Your pony car is being dusted by a large bread box on wheels. Your friend looks back over at you and says, “You’re not gonna let him get away with that are you?” So you floor it and take off in hot pursuit.

About a 1/4 mile later, just as you are catching the van, you notice that you are traveling at around 75 MPH (in a 45 zone) so discretion being the better part of valor you back off the gas and let him go. You rationalize the defeat; it was a misunderstanding on his part, he jumped you unawares and his truck was empty. Besides, if you got pulled over, whose story would the cop believe, yours or a guy driving a doughnut truck?

Started down, went up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 285

It’s Olympic Time!

Right now in Beijing it is:


And it’s Aiken Time too! Beijing is exactly 12 hours different, so all you have to do is change the A to P or vice versa to make it right for here on the east coast. Or in the case of this clock, do nothing: