Coals To Newcastle

Every month we ship off a box to the Seattle area where Donna’s brother Scott and his family live. This month’s care package includes a gift & card for Scott because his birthday is coming up, but usually the boxes just contain books and a few small toys for Baby James (who used to go by the name The Baby To Be Named Later, but now doesn’t because he has, uh, been named) and some of those complimentary coffee packets lifted from the hotel rooms we have stayed in for Baby James’ mother & Scott’s wife, Beth.

Why are we sending coffee to an area of the country where it is every citizen’s right to not ever be out of sight of a Starbucks or independent coffee hut? Leave a guess in the comments and if you are right I will mail one less packet of java to Beth next month and send it to you instead.

I’ve added another category of links to the side bar that will be used for links that I want to save because I find them entertaining, but don’t fit into any of the other categories. The category is called Salmagundi which is Cardassian for — entertaining, but not fitting in.

Check out Joe Posnanski, he used to be a sports writer for the Augusta Chronicle, but has moved on to the greener pastures of Kansas City. Because I really don’t read the sports pages I was unfamiliar with his writing, but now that I have stumbled on his blog, and if he wrote in the paper like he does on the web, I’m sorry I didn’t read him. Read this post entitled The Play (with bonus Augusta coverage) and tell me if this guy isn’t great. The only bad thing is he has just been blogging since October of 2007 and that leaves only 317 more posts of his to read…

Started up, went down, back up, still up.
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There is another entry into the browser wars and it is from the company that is out to unseat Microsoft as the ruler of the computer world — Google. Welcome to the front Private Chrome.

I tried it and it has a look and feel that I like, but it won’t (probably) ever replace Firefox. The deal breaker is no Adblock Plus. I read somewhere that because of the way the browser was written you can’t easily tweak it with extensions, etc just yet. Plus Google makes tons of money that is generated from their ads, so why should they want you to have the ability to block them.

Started up, went down, went up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 340

Photo Manipulation

Turn your photos into cartoons at BeFunky and then add a cartoon word balloon at SuperLame.

Started down, went up, still up.
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