Raised by Another
Episode number 10 is all about Claire and her pregnancy. And what was so amazing was the number of different looks we got, not pregnant, sort of pregnant and really pregnant. In some of the scenes her eyes look Paul Newman blue and in others they look plain gray. In opening shot we get the signature LOST intro of a closed eye in extreme close up and when they pan back I am kept me guessing for a short time as to who it is. Is it a Lostie or someone new off island? It’s Claire.
This morning one of Donna’s co-workers called me and said she had doughnuts, would I like one. In a shot I was down the other end of the building in her cube. She had bought a dozen Krispy Kreme glazed from someone as a fund raiser and was desperately trying to get rid of them so she herself wouldn’t have to eat them. Me, ever the gallant knight, agree to help out. Now I’ve eaten a few glazed doughnuts in my life, but these babies were heavy, I swear when I picked up a doughnut it weighed a half a pound. I’m thinking that when they cooled energy was conserved by the heat given off being replaced by Dark Matter.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 374