Raised by Another

Episode number 10 is all about Claire and her pregnancy. And what was so amazing was the number of different looks we got, not pregnant, sort of pregnant and really pregnant. In some of the scenes her eyes look Paul Newman blue and in others they look plain gray. In opening shot we get the signature LOST intro of a closed eye in extreme close up and when they pan back I am kept me guessing for a short time as to who it is. Is it a Lostie or someone new off island? It’s Claire.

This morning one of Donna’s co-workers called me and said she had doughnuts, would I like one. In a shot I was down the other end of the building in her cube. She had bought a dozen Krispy Kreme glazed from someone as a fund raiser and was desperately trying to get rid of them so she herself wouldn’t have to eat them. Me, ever the gallant knight, agree to help out. Now I’ve eaten a few glazed doughnuts in my life, but these babies were heavy, I swear when I picked up a doughnut it weighed a half a pound. I’m thinking that when they cooled energy was conserved by the heat given off being replaced by Dark Matter.

Started down, went up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 374


Episode number 9 of 82 — Sayid-centric where he gets his comeuppance for last episode’s torture of Sawyer and his past as an Iraqi interrogator from the mysterious (or perhaps just plain crazy) French chick. But the choicest bits come from Hurley. Best episode quote comes from a conversation where Hurley is lamenting to Jack that people are arguing amongst themselves over trivial things because everyone is stressed. They need an outlet, something to bring a little fun into their lives.

Jack: We’re surviving here, Hurley. And that’s my main concern is keeping us alive. Things could be worse.
Hurley: (slowly looking around) How?!

So he builds a “golf course” in the valley consisting of two holes. Second best quote comes from Sayer. After Kate finds out that Jack is playing golf and asks him if he wants to go watch, he declines saying:

Sawyer: Doctor playin’ golf? Whoo! Boy howdie, now I’ve heard everything. What’s next? Cop eatin’ a doughnut?

Started down, still down.
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House of the Rising Sun

Season 1 Episode 6 and at first glance the title seems all wrong because Sun & Jin are Korean not Japanese, but after watching it through you realize the word Sun is not for the center of our solar system, it is for the character of Sun. It showed us someone who has seemed meek in the first 5 episodes is actually a woman of surprises and quiet power.

Tonight I discovered that I can not count. That’s not entirely true, I can count, I just should learn to start at one like most folks, not zero. I have finished cropping and tweaking this weekend’s Post Office photos (no snappy captions just yet) and when I uploaded them to the gallery I noticed that they filled the whole page, which is 4 columns of 6 rows. When we laid out a plan in which order we wanted to do Saturday’s POs we started numbering at 1 and worked our way up. No problem. When we got home and I filled out the Sunday POs on the map, I started right where I left off on Saturday and ended at 23. This is why I said twenty three yesterday. I forgot that we actually snagged a Post Office (Number Zero) on the way to the beach on Friday.

Hey wait a minute, one of the famous LOST numbers is 23, coincidence, I don’t think so…

Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 370