Rainy Day

We tried to watch another episode of Fortysomething and just couldn’t do it, made it 15 minutes in before ejecting the disc. The humor just didn’t hit us the right way. And just maybe because we were exposed to House first, and although we do know it is exactly the opposite, it seems like Mr. Laurie is an American actor who has adopted a bad British accent to play this part. This screen capture from the show is for my thousands of female and gay readers – Hugh Laurie’s Hiney.

This second screen capture is for the millions of my comic book geek readers – Iron Monger. From a little known 2008 summer film call Ironman that I watched again this afternoon while Donna took a nap on the couch. I even sat through the 10 minutes worth of credits just to see the 5 second teaser of Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury. It was so worth it too, because as the song credits scrolled by, I learned that either Ozzy Osbourne’s real first name is John or there was a terrific coincidence with the songwriter for Black Sabbath’s song Ironman.

Started down, went up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 381


Show #15 was a second show about our favorite recovering heroin addict, Charlie. In the off island flashback he was in full user mode and it wasn’t pretty, but that story is used to set up the reason for what he does on island. When the survivors plot to capture the “other”, Ethan, who had kidnapped Claire, Charlie goes postal and fills Ethan’s chest full of hot lead.

I’m thinking we are going to be 0 for 2 in pre-House Hugh Laurie shows. Earlier this year we tried one of his forays into TV, a sketch comedy show called A Bit of Fry and Laurie and couldn’t get past 15 minutes of it. The other day we received a disc of Fortysomething a newer (2003) situation comedy. He plays a doctor who is nothing like the House character, he is married with three grown sons, seems like he is downtrodden and befuddled (and there is this sort of mind reading thing where he occasionally hears what people are thinking that is out in left field.) There are two more episodes on the disc and we will watch at least one more of them…

I’m not sure what is stupider, the Tampa Bay Rays and mohawk haircuts (both up and down) or the fact that the only place in baseball that fans still do the Wave is Fenway Park in Boston.

Started down, went up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 380