Buy Cheap, Get Cheap

After two years, seven months and eleven days my glasses broke. For the last few days they have felt loose on my face and I needed to keep pushing them back on my nose. On Tuesday night I finally took them off and looked at them. On the right side, the part between the hinge and the lens (I’m sure there s a technical term for it, but I don’t have a clue what it might be) was bent outwards making the ear piece flare out. Hmmm, seems as if all it might need is a slight bending back. These a nice frames and they are made out of titanium or some exotic metal that bends but doesn’t break, so there should be no problem. Right?

Wrong. As soon as I applied any pressure the frame snapped right where it meets the lens, apparently that part is made out of cheap cast aluminum. Because the glasses are so light I was able to make it through the work day with the glasses on my face on Wednesday with just one earpiece no problem, nobody even noticed (or they did and didn’t ask because they were uninterested in hear my probably long winded explanation) and after work our first stop was the eyeglass place. The girl took my glasses and said, “Let me see what I can do.” Then disappeared into the back. About 5 minutes later she came back out with my glasses complete with two earpieces. They just didn’t match, so now if you look at me from the left side nothing is different, but if you look at me from the right side it looks like I have a different set of glasses. Fortunately because of the thinness of the wire frames, when looking at me head on, the difference is barely noticeable. Come January, when the new year’s medical flex spending kicks in I’ll be getting new glasses.

Started up, went down, back up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 12

A Case Of Mistaken Identity

Every Wednesday the local Firehouse Subs comes out to ASCO and sells subs. For the past month or so Donna and I have been splitting a large Italian on white with no mayo, except for yesterday, for a change we decided to try a Hook & Ladder.

This month, as he does sometimes, my boss decided to have his monthly communications meeting on a Wednesday and treat us to lunch. I got to the room about 5 minutes before the meeting and grabbed a sandwich so I could take half to Donna at her desk. When I got back to the conference room everyone was there except for one. His sandwich was sitting right there and I kidded, “How long to we have to wait for him to how before I can have his sandwich.”

When our strangler did arrive he took some hits for being late and that if he hadn’t gotten there when he did Brian was going to eat his sandwich. He unwrapped the sub, took one bite and said hey this isn’t what I ordered, “I ordered an Italian.” I said, “Me too.” “On white with no mayo?” “Yep, me too, what’s your label say?” He looked and said it reads, large, white no mayo, Hook & Ladder…and Brian.

Ooops. I was so used to getting the Italian Sub that I didn’t read the whole label on the sandwich, I just grabbed. Here I was teasing about eating this guy’s sub and all along I was eating it.

Started up, went down, back up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 10