3 Episodes of Season 2 of Boston Legal
2 Episodes of the only Season of Firefly
6 Episodes of Season 1 of Mad Men

Started up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 0

Exodus – Part 2

Episode number 24 was the two hour Season 1 finale and we got excitement aplenty. Artz the high school science teacher blows himself up, Locke nearly gets eaten by the smoke monster, Claire’s baby gets snatched temporarily, Walt really gets snatched off the raft which then gets blown up and finally, three sticks of dynamite blows off the door of the hatch, all wrapped around images of the main cast boarding the Oceanic Airlines’ Flight 815 in Syndey.

Started down, went up, back down, up for the last time.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 391

Up for the last time, because the Emperor is having a sleepover at Redmond’s Upholstery in Augusta where tomorrow he gets a new top after approximately 2,235 transitions. I say approximately because I didn’t keep track of the transitions for the first 13 months of ownership, so I took what it did do for the year before and the 2 years after to get an average count per day (1.03), then multiplied it by the number of missing days and added that to the counts I did know.