Live Together, Die Alone
Episode 47 of 82 was the 2 hour Season 2 finale. It was jam packed with the return of Desmond, dynamite explosions, a giant 4-toed foot, even more betrayal from Michael, gun fire, tranquilizer darts, hieroglyphics, extreme magnetism, load annoying sounds, bright spectral skies and a kiss.
It was pretty much Desmond-centric where see how he got to to the island in the first place, his being suckered into pushing the button, how it might actually be his fault Flight 815 crashed there and in the present how he, along with Locke, let the countdown go past zero without pushing the button and then blows up the hatch.
Most of the other on island antics concerned the Fab Four (Jack, Kate, Sawyer & Hurley) & Michael trekking across the island so he can “get his boy back.” He finally does and sails off towards freedom in the Other’s boat given to him for delivering our main characters into imprisonment. Except for Hurley who gets sent back to the survivor’s beach to tell them to stay away. Because it was a two hour show you get 2 pictures.