
Run your blog throught the Typealyzer and it will analyze your writing and spit out your psychological type. I know this is probably a lot like a horoscope, so vague as to apply to everyone, but I do see quite a bit of me in here:

ESFP – The Performers

The entertaining and friendly type. They are especially attuned to pleasure and beauty and like to fill their surroundings with soft fabrics, bright colors and sweet smells. They live in the present moment and don?t like to plan ahead – they are always in risk of exhausting themselves.

The enjoy work that makes them able to help other people in a concrete and visible way. They tend to avoid conflicts and rarely initiate confrontation – qualities that can make it hard for them in management positions.

(except for the whole soft fabrics, bright colors and sweet smells thing)

I Missed Again

It happened 3 weeks ago and it happened again this past Tuesday, I missed House. You would think that with only one TV that I need to remember to watch, I’d remember it, but you’d be wrong.

I downloaded the torrent overnight and just got through watching it. It was a nicely written episode with a couple of story lines that melded the medical mysteries with family relationship issues, up to and including the brotherly relationship between House and Wilson. The medical parts were their usual all over place guessing and testing before stumbling on the right solution, as to whether they were medically well written, I’ll defer to the expert – Scott.

Started up, went down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 37