Par Avion
(59/82) Claire-centric. In the off island flashbacks we learn that her mother was left in a vegetative state from a car accident she caused. Her mother gets an American doctor as a visitor who shocks Claire by telling her he is her father (of whom her mother has told her is dead.) The audience gets shocked to realize that the American doctor is none other than Christian Sheppard, making Claire and Jack half brother and sister.
On island Claire concocts a harebrained plan to the catch a migratory bird and attach a message to it to facilitate their rescue. Desmond initially tries to prevent this because he needs to prevent Charlie’s death, but eventually Desmond captures a bird, alone, for her to use. The bird looks suspiciously like a plain ol’ seagull.
I found Claire in her Australian Goth Period with the dark hair much more attractive than her on island blonde hair.