Was it the current tough times or was that just the excuse they needed, or maybe they were going to stop after 12 years no matter what, but BMW didn’t do the Ultimate Drive For Susan G Komen this year. Both Donna and missed doing it too.
A fellow MMC member emailed me the other day and wanted to know if I knew about a program from Ford that would donate $20 to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure for test driving a Ford. Didn’t, but we are tempted, so we took the first step, registering for a test drive certificate here. It is not as much money as we would raise in a day driving BMWs, but still, driving someone else’s new car and raising money for a good cause can’t be half bad.
There is a dealer in Traveler’s Rest, SC that was even matching it with another twenty, but we had just got back from up that way visiting my sister, so we didn’t necessarily want to go back up there.
If I was buying a Ford it would be a Mustang GT convertible with a manual transmission, so I set out to see if any of the local dealers had one like that. Nope. Convertibles were extremely rare and ones with a manual transmission were non existent.
What’s strange is that the dealer in Traveler’s Rest, George Coleman Ford, has 4 Mustangs and 2 of them are convertibles.
Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 224