Oh Boy
Took a 15 minute nap on the couch this evening and then spent the next 30 minutes after waking, coughing. I can hardly wait until I wake up in the morning.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 259
Took a 15 minute nap on the couch this evening and then spent the next 30 minutes after waking, coughing. I can hardly wait until I wake up in the morning.
The resistance of a body at rest to being set in motion.
I waddled to the end of the driveway and back for the Sunday paper and that is as far as I went all day. The morning was spent napping on the porch, the afternoon was spent watch baseball and the evening was spent watching the Tour de Suisse and the World Poker Tour. The only thing remotely considered progress was I finally titled and captioned the SC Post Office photos.
As the sun sets on the U.S.S. Midway, so too it sets on the Atlanta Braves…
…the tough go shopping.
The FRS were on TV tonight because they were playing the Braves and if you live in the south every Braves game is on TV. The Red Sox had their 13 Trillion Yen Man (Daisuke Matsuzaka) pitching and there was much excitement in the Land of the Rising Sun because he was facing off against the Brave’s Japanese starter Kenshin Kawakami. Both guys have had rough starts to the season, but tonight’s rough start award went to Boston’s Dice-K as his first pitch of the game was belted into the bullpen for a home run. Then it went downhill from there. By the end of the 5th inning the Sox were down 6-0, so we went out to do our weekly grocery shopping.
For the second time in seven days we have left a store leaving our selected purchases behind.
I got in a checkout line behind what I thought was a woman who was nearly finished as she had a full cart and about a dozen items left on the belt. After unloading 2/3rds of the cart onto the nearly empty belt I realized it hadn’t moved and there were now two cashiers fiddling around at the scanner. I think they were trying to take an item off the woman’s order, they’d swipe something and the machine would boop and they’d both look up at the screen in unison, shake the heads, repeat. After the forth time I think it worked because one cashier left and the remaining one scanned another item and then immediately starting asking for the first cashier to come back. It was now becoming clear that she didn’t know what she was doing. And it also became clear that the shopper was separating the final 10 items into 2 separate orders and she had a paycheck to cash or maybe a substance check and that we were going to standing here awhile. There was one other check out line open, but there was no way that I was off loading the belt to put it in my cart to move over two slots. We looked at each other, shrugged and headed for the door.
We drove a mile down the street to another store, probably spent $25 more dollars than we would have at the first store, but we were in and out and on the way home like we should have been at Store #1.
The game was mercifully over by the time we got back, both teams each scored 2 uneventful runs, so they FRS lost by a score of 8-2. They play each other twice more over the weekend, so it is not too late to save face.
In just under 2 months Season 3 of TDTVS2 starts and I can hardly wait. Might do like we did for LOST last year and watch one episode a night leading up to the season premiere. There are 26 episodes, so we should start one-a-days on Tuesday July 21st. That would mean we would watch the last show of Season 2 on the Sunday night of the Season 3 opener.
Unlike TDTVS there isn’t a group of coworkers who meet up the next day and discuss last night’s Mad Men episode, so I’m not sure I will watch it live. Probably download the torrent to avoid the commercials and watch it on Monday night.
Good advice for anyone…
Perhaps hoping to capitalize on the popularity of this summer’s new Star Trek movie, Hustler Video has released a Triple X movie parody using the characters from the original series. They even loosely base it on the episode Space Seed which introduced us to Ricardo Montelban as Khan. So if you have the newly remastered TOS on DVD, a giant collection of ST:TNG on VHS tapes, you should probavbly buy this, you know, just to complete your collection.
A review is here, but it is on a site that is definitely NSFW or homes with small children. At the bottom of the article is link where you can buy the 2-disc set (including a blooper reel?) for $25.
If you do follow the link (hey, I was just curious) you will find that, whatever your age, there is a XXX parody of a TV show that will fulfill your adolescent fantasy, from Gilligan’s Island to Happy Days to the Office.