Half Cached Weekend
We were one for two yesterday in Aiken and 4 for 8 today in Florence and on the way back. Technically it was really 7 we searched for. There was one that you could complete without really finding the first stage, but we misread the requirements for the second stage and then didn’t really try to find the first because of the description and location.
Premium Members (that’s me, not that I’m anything real special, I just paid them $30) can download a file from Geocaching.com that you can use to generate staggering statistics on just how you have been wasting your time. ItsNotAboutTheNumbers for instance:
Total: 122 finds
Total days since first find: 113 – Overall find Rate: 1.08/day, 7.57/week
Total days with a find: 40 (Every 2.8 days or 35.5% of your total days) – Average finds per caching day: 3.05
Best day: 4/03/09 – 7 finds
Most consecutive days with a find: 8 from 4/19/09 to 4/26/09
Longest caching drought: 11 days from 2/23/09 to 3/05/09
Average total cache difficulty: 1.53 – Average total terrain rating: 1.63
Average physical cache difficulty: 1.56 – Average physical terrain rating: 1.64
Approximate cache-to-cache distance: 6445.97 miles (10373.78 kilometres)
Active Caches: 120 of the caches you’ve found are still active (98.4%)
Average log size: 29.2 words – Biggest log: 120 words – Shortest log: 4 words – Number of one-word logs: 0
How about a map?
State (caches): South Carolina (51) Georgia (19) Colorado (15) New Mexico (15) Nebraska (6) North Carolina (6) Wyoming (5) Utah (3) Arizona (1) South Dakota (1)
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 239