This Is Either Madness…Or Brilliance
To quote that famous philosopher, Captain Jack Sparrow, “It’s remarkable how often those two traits coincide.”
This is either the lamest thing ever I have ever come across related to geocaching, or the coolest.*
Imagine you are driving down a back country road looking for a cache. Your navigator is in the right seat watching the readout on the GPSr. The direction arrow is pointing straight ahead and the mileage to your target is dropping steadily. Two miles, mile and a half, under one now. Point five, less than a quarter mile, so you ease off the gas. The numbers continue to decrease and once you get below a tenth of a mile the display swaps to showing the distance to your target in feet. Four hundred, 250, less than eighty and the needle is starting to point a little to the right. BAM! Twenty four feet and the compass needle points 90° to the right. You slam on the brakes and steer quickly to the side of the road and succeed in getting almost all the way off the pavement. Both of your heart rates have ticked up a notch. “Hurry, its got to be in that small patch of woods,” she tells you.
“Oh wait a minute dear,” you reply, “Where is that placard? We need to put that on the mirror in case anyone comes along so they’ll know what we are doing.” Riiight.
* I actually printed on of these out and laminated it. My intention was to hang it from the mirror of the Emperor and snap a photo just to have a picture for this post. But I never got around to it.
If you think this is brilliant, get your own at the Geocacher’s University. (also available in French)
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 293