Got My Answer
Brett M. Moule, Region 3 Heritage Preserve Manager sent me a copy of a bill that was introduced this spring (03/26/09) by Representative C. David Umphlett, Jr. TO AMEND SECTION 50-11-2200, AS AMENDED, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREAS, SO AS TO SPECIFY ADDITIONAL PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES;… and signed into law on (6/2/2009) by our Governor in between trips to Argentina.
The part of interest is paragraph (C) “The following acts or conduct are prohibited and shall be unlawful on all wildlife management areas, heritage preserves, and all other lands owned by the department; provided, however, the department may promulgate regulations allowing any of the acts or conduct by prescribing acceptable times, locations, means, and other appropriate restrictions not inconsistent with the protection, preservation, operation, maintenance, and use of such lands:” section (30) which reads simply “geocaching;”
So while the bill prohibits geocaching and 37 other things, it does leave the door open in the second half of paragraph (30) …the department may promulgate regulations allowing any of the acts or conduct by prescribing acceptable times, locations, means, and other appropriate restrictions…
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 362