17% Done
When I said there were 63 pages to the South Carolina DeLorme Challenge I was wrong. The last map appears on page 63, but the first 15 pages of the book have other information, the first map page is #16. That means there are only 48 pages to find caches on.
We already have eight of forty-eight done, so we are almost 17% finished. Well really, if we stick to having separate caches for each of the challenges, we are only 7 of 48 because the one lonely find we have over in Summerton, Woodside Wonder, is eligible for use in Clarendon County and DeLorme Page #47.
It probably won’t be lonely for long though, got a breakfast meet at the Cracker Barrel in Florence with cousin Laurie on Sunday. I predict more counties and pages will be gotten this weekend.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 388