Against The Rules Here Too?
I sent an email this afternoon to the SCDNR to see about permission to place caches in Heritage Preserves they manage:
I am an Aiken resident and my wife and I have recently taken up geocaching (sort of a high tech treasure hunt.) We have found caches in a couple of the local Heritage Preserves (Henderson & Savannah River Bluffs) and would like to hide one or two caches in these beautiful areas as well. I am wondering who I should contact or what I need to do to gain permission to do this. I did not see anything in regards to geocaching in the Property Usage regulations on the web site.
Eighteen minutes later I received a reply (edited for brevity):
Currently, Regulation 123-203 (T) prohibits geocaching on any South Carolina Department of Natural Resources property. The majority of SCDNR property was purchased to protect unique and often rare natural resources. SCDNR allows and encourages recreational activities compatible and consistent with the character of the properties…
I am sure that most geocachers would likely be good stewards of SCDNR property, however, in recent years we have just begun to have problems associated with geocaching. Recently, SCDNR staff have found geocaches placed in sensitive areas on at least three Heritage Preserves…
Can you please send me the lat/longs of the Henderson & Savannah caches. I appreciate your help in protecting SC’s natural resources.
I read the Managed Lands Regulations on the SCDNR web site and with a little web searching and came up with a link on the SC government site and could not find any mention of geocaching, positive or negative. I wrote back:
Can you point me to the particular section or paragraph of 123-203 that prohibits caching? Everything I find on the web makes no mention of geocaching. Is the (T) in the parenthesis following the regulation number the revision letter of the regulation and is more up to date than I can find?
It was past quitting time when I sent it, so I wonder what kind of response I’ll receive in the morning? If any.
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