Blogger’s Night Off
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 400
96,000: Saturday while leaving of town the Emperor crossed over that many miles.
398: Number of the Emperor’s top transitions since 10/24/08
194: Total number of caches we’ve found so far.
37: Number of caches we have DNF’d
14: Number of SC Counties we have found caches in.
11: Number of pages of the SC DeLorme Atlas we have found caches on.
7: Number of minutes left until the next episode of TDTVS2 starts.
Guess what came in he mail today? If you said a newly refurbished Garmin eTrex Venture HC, give yourself a lollipop. We’ve loaded it with batteries and taken it with us so we can compare how it works against our new Vista HCx tomorrow.
This morning after Breakfast with the MMC(tm) we took a drive down to Jackson to do a little caching. Jackson is in Aiken County, which we obviously already have, but it sits on a fairly desolate DeLorme Page (51.) We were 2 for 4, but that was OK as we only needed one to be considered a successful expedition.
Plan A was to drive up early Sunday morning to Florence for Breakfast with Laurie(tm), but we opted for Plan B, leave at 4PM on Saturday. This way we could do some caching on the way up too. Three for four with one abstention before it got too dark to see. Added two more counties, Calhoun and Orangeburg and two more DeLorme pages 45 & 46.
This was our Friday afternoon off and I put it to good use by replacing the back brake pads on the Emperor. Donna put it to good use by having the time to try out a shrimp salad recipe she saw on a Barefoot Contessa cooking show.
I spent the evening plotting out caches along routes for the two statewide challenges we are doing. Now we just have to hope that on Sunday we don’t get the 60% chance of rain, but fall into the 40% no rain range. And she spent the evening watching Food TV looking for other meals to try out in case we fall into the 60%.
The other day we were sitting around waiting for an appointment when Donna said, “I’m seeing stars.” She hadn’t bopped her head or made any sudden moves, she was just sitting there and the stars went away, so we thought nothing of it.
This morning at work she came to me and said, “There is something in my eye.” I pried open her eye lids and had her look up down and all round, but I didn’t see anything. She described it as a bright curved thing just off to the right in her field of vision. I asked, “Do you think it is a big floater?” Maybe came her reply; let’s see if it drifts out of the way. I checked in with her after about an hour and she said it wasn’t as bright, but it was still there, so we agreed she should call the eye doc. They said if she came over around lunch they would fit her in sometime this afternoon.
The doc dilated her eyes and shined his aircraft landing light brightness instruments in there. He came out with some good news, there was nothing sight threatening going on, but she did have a posterior vitreous detachment. The stars she noticed on Tuesday were the moment when the vitreous separated from the retina.
Do you think that is what happened to Dave Bowman aboard a Discovery One EVA Pod as he entered the TMA-2 monolith? When he said, “The thing’s hollow – it goes on forever – and – oh my God – it’s full of stars!”, was he just having a PVD?
First up is Hockeyhick’s and Cache-n-Kerry’s Road-tripping Puck which is a souvenir puck from the Greenville (SC) Grrrowl minor league hockey team. The team has since folded and the TB owners want this puck to be their proxie fan and to “take it to pee-wee games, high school and college games, minor league and pro games, all around the globe!” We feel for the Greenville hockey fans as just last year the team over in Augusta pulled the same folding act. Coincidentally the Growl and the Augusta Lynx played against each other frequently because they were in the very same league. Sunday before last we drove over to Augusta to take a picture of the puck in front of the home of the Augusta Lynx, James Brown Arena.
Second is Simba from Disney’s popular 1994 animated feature film The Lion King. Simba’s goal is to see as many zoos, circus’ and habitats as he can before returning home. We found Simba in one of the caches from our big loop on Sunday and when we got home and read the goal, Donna said, “Hey, there is a circus coming to Augusta next weekend.” I checked the interweb and it turns out the circus was in town right then and the last showing was already well underway. We hopped in the car and drove over anyway. Turned out it was perfect timing. The crowd was almost entirely gone and the roustabouts were just starting to strike the big top. Walked in, Donna held Simba in her hand, I snapped the photo and we left. We might swing by the Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia this weekend for another photo op.
I don’t always agree with him and some of his picks are too artsy, but more often than not, if I enjoy reading his positive review of a movie, I will enjoy the movie. Right now Mr. Ebert is in Toronto at their film festival and has been writing, not reviewing, about the movies he has seen. I have just gone through his posts from the festival so far and added 6 movies to the Saved section of my Netflix rental queue:
Of course I will have to wait about a year or so for these to actually get into the regular queue. Then they have to migrate their way to the top through the 60 or 70 movies already there, but I’m pumped.