Time Flies

Donna came home from the hospital on Thursday afternoon and her sister showed up later that night for a weeks visit. Because Sandy was here to look after her I actually got to go to work on Friday for the whole day, even did some productive work. After work the temperature was close enough to 60 that I rode home with the top down.

Squeezing in productive sleep has been tricky though, so late night I went to bed at 9:30 and left Donna on the couch “watching” the Olympics. I slept until 2:30 when I woke up and could hear her futzing around. I talked her into coming to bed but lasted barely an hour or two before she had to get up. We tried laying on the couch, but couldn’t go back to sleep, so I made her a bowl of grits. Ten minutes after finishing it she fell asleep on the couch.

Some of the MMC might come over and visit this morning in place of the club’s usual monthly breakfast and after that she and her sister will go out shopping some and my plan is to put the tarp back up over the “carport” that the snow knocked down.

Started up, went down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 534

Morning After

Can you spot the Miata in this picture?

About 4 inches of the fluffy white stuff fell overnight. Here at the hospital the power went off and back on about three times between 7 – 7:30PM and then once again around 10. We could tell when the on/offs happened because the lights would blink while emergency generator kicked on and the TV would go off and not come back on. I talked to my neighbor today and that mirrored his power outages exactly only his lasted a little longer with the 10:00PM one lasting a little over an hour.

Started up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 533