Comment Spam
I’ve talked alot about email spam here, but I get comment span at the Life of Brian too. Anyone who has a blog (or for that matter a web page that allows comments) know what I’m talking about.
There are several ways to fight it and here at LOB we use three different methods. Firstly, commenting is closed on any post that is older than 14 days because the spammers love to seek out the posts that are off the front page, so you won’t notice them. The second line of defense is the very first time someone comments, they have to have their comment approved before it gets published. This keeps the spammers out because it usually comes from addresses like or, but the next time they comment it goes right out there. The third way is using a plug-in that comes with wordpress called Akismet. It won’t like most email spam fighters by comparing the incoming comment’s email address, IP address and looking for key words and phrases to dump them into queue where I can review them. In May it caught 34, in June 35 and so far this month 28. Sometimes I think I don’t get many comments here, so maybe I should strip the links and email addresses and post them because they can be quite interesting. This morning I had four:
You need to seriously write some more about this.
Coming right up!
A gink begins cutting his wisdom teeth the initially without surcease he bites eccentric more than he can chew.
Of course he does.
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Thanks for the awesome post!
You are very welcome…
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 723