Daper Draper
Last night was the premier episode of Season 4 of TDTVS2 and we here at the Bogardus household spent the weekend prepping for the event. On Saturday we watched episodes 1 & 3 of season three and then on Sunday we watched episodes 6, 9 & 13.
At the appointed hour of the premier, 10:00 EDT, we went to bed.
Got up this morning, started downloading the torrent and left for work. Came home from work and had dinner in front of the TV.
At the end of last year they were running their new agency, created from the ashes of Sterling Cooper, out of a hotel room. this season starts several months later and they now have a floor in the Time/Life building (and telling clients they have two) with a conference room full of mismatched office chairs in a circle around a non existent table.
The episode seemed jumbled and out of sorts and just maybe that was an intentional tone set by the producer because it perfectly represented Don Draper’s life, both personally and professionally.
Now after an hour of digesting the show I’m beginning to appreciate it. It started out with Don being interviewed by an advertising magazine which he does it reluctantly and it shows in the published piece. They want him to do another interview, this time with the Wall Street Journal, but he is uncomfortable and begs off. For the next 30 minutes negative things happen all around him, and to him, until he blows his top at a client and is so mad he boots them out the door. This flips a switch making him realize that he needs to turn his act around, so he agrees to the WSJ interview. The last scene of the show is him talking to the Journal reporter and he is the charming, engaging Don Draper we all love and want to be.
Can’t wait until next week.
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