Turkey Day In Aiken
We have had a nice big screened porch on the back of the house for a decade now and for at least 4 of them we have had Donna’s family gather here for Thanksgiving. We have always said, wouldn’t it be great if we could have Turkey Day Dinner out on the porch. But each time they were here the weather was always too cold. Too bad we didn’t host them this year because the temperatures were in the upper 70’s today and the porch was a delightful place to be this afternoon.
No one came here and we didn’t go anywhere, so instead of making a Thanksgiving meal for two and all that entails, we opted to go to Aiken’s One Table. It started 5 years ago and is basically a free Thanksgiving meal served in the Alley to anyone who shows up. Billed as “NOT a ‘hand-out’, but more of a ‘hand-shake’.” by the organizers, we have thought of going before, but never did. This was the year. They didn’t charge for the meal, but did ask for anyone who comes to bring some canned goods. Food would be served between the hours of 11 AM and 2 PM and we arrived at a little past eleven thirty and were greeted by a very long line. That didn’t move.
We have very little patience for waiting. For anything. After a couple of minutes of not getting any closer to food we hopped out of line to check out what was going on. The first thing we noticed after passing the music stage was another identical stationary line. Then about halfway down the block we cut into the alley and noticed that there were a lot of empty seats and a lot of volunteers walking around with trays of food. As we completed the loop we arrived back at the point we had left the line and the fireman who were standing behind us were still standing in approximately the same spot.
Plan B was implemented, Fatz Cafe. Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, cranberry sauce, a slice of pumpkin pie and a drink for $11.99. As a bonus, the servings were large enough that we actually brought home some leftovers.
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