Hugh Laurie Is In The House
The few TV shows we both like to watch are all shown on Sunday and Monday nights. The only one of which we watch “live” is The Good Wife because it is on at 9PM Sundays.
So far we have found Showtime’s Homeland (Sundays at 10 PM) very intriguing. The dynamics surrounding the return of long thought dead US Marine who was actually a captive in Iraq and how he and his family have been changed along with the question of whether he might have been turned into an Al-Qaeda operative is a goldmine for drama. After three episodes Claire Danes whininess has been offset by Morena Baccarin’s nudity, but I’m not sure how much longer that will continue.
Technically Doc Martin is on at 9:00 PM, but that is on ITV1 in England, so it really on live Monday afternoon here on the east coast of the USA. This gets torrented for watching on Tuesday afternoon.
Castle also gets watched on time delay because Monday at 10 PM we usually in bed or at least getting ready for it.
I’m the only one enjoys House M.D., so I watched a recorded copy while Donna naps or reads. After a great first 4 seasons, I struggled through the next two years and finally quit watching in season 7 because of the House/Cuddy relationship stuff. But this year Cuddy is gone, so I thought I’d check out season eight. After 3 episodes I think I’m liking it again. They even had a throwback House does Clinic duty bit.
Earlier I was watching the World Series on FOX with the sound muted (can’t stand Tim McCarver) and listening to it on KMOX off the net. But now that Donna has the remote with the TV tuned to HGTV. I’m listening to the audio of ESPN America’s broadcast and when the situation warrants, I stop typing and click on another tab of Firefox and watch the game thanks to a link I found on Lifehacker.