Cabinet Day
Our cabinets were scheduled to arrive between 1 and 5:00 PM today, so Donna and I took the afternoon off so that we could be here when they arrived. We thought, that like the dishwasher when it was delivered, we would get a half hour final call to let us know they were on the way. We left work at 11:30, parked at our bank and turned on the cell phone. We went inside and cashed a check, then walked the 4 blocks to Betsy’s on the Corner for lunch. On our way back to the car we made a quick stop at the new candy store in downtown.
It was now a little after one, so we headed home to change clothes and do some running around in LA (Lower Aiken. AKA the south side of town.) When we got to our street there were no trucks in front of our house. Uh, oh. Did our contractor have another reason not to show up for the third day in a row. We were pleasantly surprised to find the kitchen in shambles as he had been here and was knee deep in the wiring process. Must be at lunch. Off to Lowe’s we go. We are eyeballing wallpaper and borders for the dining room and curtains for the living room and dining room. Hey, got to spend the big gift card on something.
After Lowe’s we were going to go to the library to kill some more time and await the call, but seeing as home was sort of on the way, decided to drive by and see if there were any trucks in front of the house now. As we headed up the street before you turn onto our street we ended up behind a big Budget Rental truck. Both Donna and I simultaneously said to each other, “I wonder if those are our cabinets?” Sure enough the truck turned onto our street and started slowly creeping its way along with its flashers on. We hung the first left and drove the circle around the back way and came out in front of our house as the truck was slowly pulling to a stop there too.
Never did get that final warning call.