Day Twelve

Day Twelve

Some backwards progress today, the to be returned 12″ cabinet was pulled down along with the adjoining 30″ over stove cabinet. The wall units that were in the middle of the floor in the Day 11 photo have been moved back out to the staging room next door. The only good news we got today was that the tentative ship date for our new correct cabinets is going to be this Thursday the 28th. They are going to be shipped to the store, so they might be in hand by this Saturday. I say might, because on Saturday we are getting on an airplane to Texas. Hopefully I can get the people at Lowe’s to turn them loose to our contractor.

In a sort of related note we finally watched the Red Envelope movie that has been on our coffee table since last week, Flight. Nice, five days before boarding one, Brian watches a plane crash movie…

Day Eleven

Day Eleven

They didn’t get very far with the cabinet install. Apparently when the Lowe’s cabinet guy came out and measured our kitchen he was a foot off, so everything on the stove wall is 12″ from the door. And if Donna and my quick measurement of the opposite wall is correct he missed that side by 15″. So now the contractor, who was supposed to sign off the measurements with the cabinet guy, can’t figure out how things need to go to fit the room.

We are all somewhat at fault here to some degree because Donna and I didn’t check to see if the measurements were right either. The contractor is coming over at 12:30 tomorrow to talk and we may make a run over to the North Augusta Lowe’s in the morning and see if the cabinet guy is working to see what our options are now.

Day Ten

Day Ten

The mish-mash that is the electrical wiring in a 55 year old house slowed progress, but it is now finished. Two walls have sheet rock, the tile floor is 99% done and there is grout in all the joints. Saturday the last wall gets finished and cabinets go in. They say they’ll get them all in, but Donna and I remain skeptical.