32,000 Dandelions
Not too far out of town the Purple Whale glided through the 32,000 mile mark. We were on our way to Greenville for lunch at Joe’s Crab Shack. Back in April when we were in Myrtle Beach we ate at a Shack and bought a buy one steampot meal and a get a Classic Steampot for free certificate for a $10 donation to Autism Speaks. Today we would cash in on that deal.
We planned to do a little geocaching on the way up with stops at two parks near Greenville and that is exactly what we did, a little. Very little. At the first stop there were 3 caches and we DNF’d all three. At the second stop we found an ammo can right near the start of the trail and as we started to continue down the trail we were both being harassed by horse flies, so we decided to quit while we were ahead and go get lunch.