Live Bait
The photo above is the first hint as to where Donna & I went for lunch today. Here is hint#2 and this is the giveaway! Still don’t know? Email Mark Turner and ask him.
We are on our way to Lexington, VA for the weekend wedding of Claire & Mark. It was just a little over a year ago that we drove to Baton Rouge, LA to see Claire’s brother Stuart get married.
Doing a little geocaching along the way by visiting a couple SC State Parks before lunch. We were four for four in cache finds, we also found the first stage of a statewide multi-cache and picked up a Travel Bug to drag along and dip in our finds.
We got not too far from home when we noticed that we had left the cell phone in the Miata back home in the garage. But it was far enough that we didn’t feel like going back to get it. Then, more than half way to tonight’s stop in Dublin, VA1, Donna realized that the pair of jeans she was wearing was the only one she brought. We fixed both problems at a local Walmart this evening, Donna got four new pair of jeans2 and we bought a cheap Verizon burner3.
About 9:15 the hotel’s fire alarm goes off. Because we are on the third floor and in the middle of the building we took it kind of serious. By the time we grabbed our shoes, me my wallet and Donna her purse, the alarm shut off. Donna called the front desk and they told her that it was triggered on the first floor, but there was no fire. If that thing goes off again and there isn’t a fire, I sense a free room coming on.
1. This is the third Dublin we have been in this year. In February on the way home from Florida we drove through the Georgia version. In March we stopped in the Texas town by this name to visit the Dr Pepper Museum.
2. She says it wasn’t really her plan, but she did need new jeans anyway as her current group are pretty well faded.
3. So now the people who only turn on their cell phone when they want to call someone, have two cell phones. Actually three, but we never did activate that one, we just used it to upgrade our first phone…