Another Clone Club Email
Here is a sneak peek at tomorrow’s Clone Club email:
Subj: A Dangerous Romance, A New Clone, A Scary Clone, A Fake Accent & A Magazine
Sarah has a ‘dangerous’ romance with Cal, says Michiel Huisman – Zap 2 it
Meet the new clone! – Entertainment Weekly
BBC America releases first four episode descriptions – Zap 2 it
Maria Doyle Kennedy talks about the mysterious past of Mrs. S – Entertainment Weekly
So Which Orphan Black Clone Would Win the Hunger Games…? – Paper Droids
Jordan Gavaris talks Felix and having the best fake accent on TV – Entertainment Weekly
Tatiana Maslany on which one of her ‘Orphan Black’ clones scares her the most – Yahoo! Celebrity Canada
In case you have the IQ of Vic and haven’t figured from the fact that every other link above is from Entertainment Weekly, Orphan Black made the cover and got a lot of attention from the mag. If you missed getting a copy in the stores, you can buy it here.
I just can’t figure out why she killed herself. That’s just not Sarah. That’s not Sarah. – Vic the Dick