Mukilteo Ferry
Kids at the Playground
Kids at the Playground
And to welcome us, Donna’s brother and family arranged a party for us. Not really, it just happened that a local church was having a festival in the park practically next door to their house. With Bouncy Houses!
As usual with a vacation trip, there are tons of stories to tell and not enough time to tell them. I’ll try and create some draft posts with titles that will hopefully spur an actual post when we do get some down time or when we get back home.
I’ve had a Twitter account for whole year and I have tweeted 24 times!
Well, 25 if you count my tweet about this monumental event.
We shop at Kroger because it is the closest grocery store to us. As a bonus they have a Fuel Rewards program where we earn points towards getting gas at a discount. You basically get one point for every buck you spend and once you get 100 points you can get 10¢ of a gallon of gas. Each prescription gets you 50 points, even if it is a $4 generic. Buy a gift card there and they are worth double the face value in points. So with our weekly grocery shopping, our prescriptions and whatnot we usually end up getting 80¢ to a dollar off of gas each month. Sometimes it is all off one fill up in one car and sometimes it is divided between the two cars.
The whatnot mentioned above happens towards the end of the month when we need to round up to the next 100 point level so we don’t leave too many points on the table. After work we stopped in and picked up a couple of refills, those 100 points jumped us up to 269 for the month. We also needed a couple of small items for right then, so at the quick check out we spent $8. This should have bumped the total to 277, but the receipt showed our total at 177. It was like the pharmacy points didn’t really stick.
When we got home I called and asked about it, but the fellow at the service desk said I’d have to bring in my receipts and he would have to call Fuel Point HQ to get them to straighten it out. After dinner we went back out to get those 100 points back, spend $23 more to get us up to 300 points and then go fill up. I went to the service desk and Donna went shopping.
I got to talk to the same guy that I spoke to on the phone earlier, so I didn’t need to tell the story again. He took my receipts and called the Fuel Point Situation Room. The Service Desk Guy was raised around here, so he has a pretty decent southern accent going, and the Fuel Points Custodian must have been in the mid-west somewhere as he had to repeat everything he said a couple times to get his point across. Then, to make sure I wasn’t trying to add fuel points to some random person’s account I had to verify that I was the card holder. Only apparently my name wasn’t on the card’s account. Thinking back, it was Donna’s mom who first got the card back when she was living with us, so I volunteered her name. Nope, try again. I gave them Donna and that worked. Phew. Next they wanted the address for the account holder, thank goodness I got that right the first time or who knows what they would have asked for next.
By now there are now two other people in the Service Desk line behind me and I can sense the disturbances in the force they are creating. The service desk guy is doing a lot of one word answers that seem like this is going to be wrapped up, but it never does. Now I’m getting frustrated, I’m going to be buying 10-12 gallons of gas in a few minutes and the hundred points we are working on here is going to amount to to like a buck and a quarter. My time is worth more than this. I tell Mr. Service Desk Guy to just hang up, the hundred points are not worth my time, his time and the people behind me’s time. I get my receipts back and go find Donna to check out.
I figure we need to spend $23 to at least send us over the 200 point level, so after I ring up the stuff Donna has in her hands our total is like seventeen bucks. So I grab a handy 8-pack of AA batteries (we can always use these), crap, they’re on sale. We are still 4 dollars short. Donna goes back around the checkout area and tosses me a People magazine, $4.99, perfect. Our total is $25 and change.
Tax doesn’t count for points, so our order nets us 24 points. Our total should be 201 points or almost perfect, 20¢ off and only one point “wasted.” The receipt tells me we have 314 points?!?
So after I walked off, the service desk guy must have stayed on the phone and managed to get our 100 points back. Nice, but where did the 13 extra points come from… Wish I’d of known, we didn’t need to buy the batteries or the magazine.
Usually when I go on vacation I send back postcards to my still stuck behind their desk co-workers, but for next week’s trip out west it might be different. I’m hoping that some enterprizing individual out in Seattle has decided to make up some I-502 relevant souviner T-Shirts, because something like the mock-ups below would make a perfect gift to bring back for them.
These will also make a nice bit of related merchandise for my Cannabis Cabana stores (opening soon in a empty lot near you.)
In September of 2009 Donna had a Posterior Vitreous Detachment in her right eye. Back then, after checking to be sure that the retina wasn’t damaged, the eye doctor told her that more than likely he would see her back in 5 years because that is usually when the second eye will do the same thing.
4 years, 9 months, 6 days later it happened again. Maybe because of the benign outcome last time, the previous incident was more or less forgotten about, that this time it wasn’t imediately recognized as the same thing happening again. So Donna was kind of freaking out on Sunday as she was experiencing flashes of light in her left eye followed by random spiders and their webs in her peripheal vision. Of course it was Sunday, so eye doctors aren’t on call and an Emergency Room visit would have been all kinds of fruitless, so she had to wait to get in to see her eye doctor on Monday where it was confirmed that she had another PVD and didn’t have any retinal tears.
Posterior Vitreous Detachments are a common occurance and the eye doctor told us that if you live long enough they will happen to everyone. They just happen earlier in people with nearsightedness and the higher the diopter the sooner it usually occurs because of the shape of the eye.
We had a dozen cars show up to be in the parade and that I think is a record for Club participation in the event. Donna took a couple of pictures for the Parade Destination of the Motoring Challenge with all of us were lined up on both sides of the street.
Donna was not going to ride in the car with me and was going to try to get an “action shot” as I drove by in the actual parade. She was standing at about where the parade started and took one photo with me moving, but you couldn’t really tell I was in a parade as there was no crowd in the background. She then moved up to the first turn to get another picture, but I was in the outside lane and didn’t hear her yelling at me to hold up the challenge poster, so we missed a second chance at the action shot. Oh well, the line up photo will have to count.