Happy Four-Twenty Day

Because today’s date has become some sort of marijuana holiday I discovered several pot themed article in my usual internet surfing today. I was also relieved that in the 3+ decades since my last personal brush with the stuff, the top 3 names were some I used to use; 1) Weed, 2) Pot & 3) Bud. But I was also not surprised to find that three others that I commonly used were now near the bottom; 29) Wacky tabacky, 30) Grass & 31) Dope. Most deserved nickname: 8) Miley Cyrus. Weirdest: 32) Hit by a Bus.
For your 4/20 day reading, here is Mashables mashup of Mary Jane (#21) stories: WEEEEEEEED which included the handy guide to choosing your strain of chronic (#12) by your desired after effects.
This last link is here because of this site’s electronic memory usage, so that some day when Sticky Icky (#16) is legal for personal use in South Carolina (probably never) or we retire to a more Cheech and Chong (#20) friendly state (more probable) I can look back to find out how to make Donna’s awesome Chocolate Chip Cookies even awesomer: The Secret To Perfect Weed Butter