Because I’ve somehow really been sucked down into the rabbit hole that is televised NFL football. Thursday night from 8 until 11:30, then Sunday from noon until 11:00PM and then again Monday night from 8:00 until whenever. All the time the tube is on football the laptop is open on the coffee table with ESPN’s FantasyCast in front of the league’s scoreboard on the internet.
Consequentially I see a lot of TV commercials and the award for the Rookie of the Year in NFL advertising goes to Fan Duel. Seems like every time you turn around there are those Joe Schmoes who have won thousands, and in some cases millions, by clicking on a couple things on their web page. Well, it turns out it averages about once an hour. I know because I wrote down every promo code they threw at me on Sunday:
Punt, Wind, Clip, Uniform, Watch, Agile, Yards, Triumph & Dual
Their disclaimers say they comply with some acronym and is therefore not gambling, but the gambling world centered in Nevada think they are. So much so that they have made them illegal. Along with several other states. I’m betting (see what I did there)that by next season, even if those types of sites are still in business, they won’t be advertising on NFL broadcasts.
Started down, went up, went down, back up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 06/25/15: 99