This Is Really The Last
This post is really the last 2015 Motoring Challenge post for this year. As I did last year I submitted a cover letter along with the completed entry form and the burned CD of challenge photos:
Thanks for putting on the contest; once again we had a blast. This sort of thing really hits the sweet spot of what the wife and I like to do, to while away our free time and disposable income.
I made a directory for each section on the entry form just to keep it all in order. Unfortunately one of them is empty, the one for Canadian Provinces. Inside each directory along with the photos is a PDF with my captions for them that I used in the gallery on my personal website.
Last year we scored 125 points and finished as one of the 50 runners-up. This year’s goal was to score over 150 and we did by a pretty good margin. This year’s points in last year’s field would have put us in the top ten, so we have our fingers crossed…
Favorite Point – Emus! Ever since David announced that 3 point bonus opportunity it was the focus of every drive in the Miata regardless if we were actually looking for challenges or not. Whenever we came to any sort of fenced field the call went up to look for emus and whoever was the passenger had to get their head on a swivel. The Great Emu Hunt of 2015 led to a couple hundred miles of extra driving following fruitless Google searches and random stranger’s hazy recollections of emus past, but when we finally hit the jackpot in Kentucky it was worth it.
Least Favorite Point – Fireworks Display. Not so much the challenge, but our execution of it. That weak looking burst in the sky behind me represents my least favorite photo for submission.
Easiest Point – Thrift Shop. There were thrift shops on nearly every corner to choose from. We almost made this the hardest because we must have passed hundreds of the things looking for just the right one until we finally chose one in late October (but we continued looking at other options all the way to the end.)
Hardest Point(s) – Finding a dozen lakes or rivers with both a sign and the water visible in the same shot.
Brian’s Biggest Regret – Last year we had two empty photo directories, Moss Motors Facilities & Canadian Provinces. This year we got a Moss Motors Facility, but no Canadian Province. Next year we are going north of the border.
Donna’s Biggest Regret – How could we have traveled almost ninety four hundred miles and never made it to the Pacific Ocean.